Apple 3D Touch Application in apps

When you receive an email from Apple three(3) months after a technology is launched, it’s probably because developers are not touching it.

The 3D touch Video is here

As an architect, I couldn’t find much practical room for it in my app designs.
On Quick Airtime App, we let users topup a number but pressing down from the transaction history without even opening it and navigating several screens. But we couldn’t execute touch ID verification right there on the screen so it was awkward and lacked the smoothness still having user come back to the home button for Touch ID.

For messaging, what is the different between tap and open and pressing down continuously forever to reply if you cannot dictate to the phone while pressing down.
I wanted to have my Nok application give a user who holds down a message the ability to dictate a reply but that is not an upgrade on the baseline texting in church/class experience which is why short messaging services have thrived.

Is anybody else using this 3D in their applications?
Is there any major game changing experience associated with 3D.

In btw, have fun with this video of sharpening the apple pencil.


Correct me if I’m wrong please… Isn’t it right click?

+1billion for the video of sharpening the apple pencil. :joy:

Not an apple fan in any sense of the word so the “3D Touch” vid is just mehhh. They always try to slap some new marketing angu on established technology. I just ain’t buying.

There is a reason why nobody is paying attention.

“Hey look, our track pads and mice have only one button.”

Some years later
“Oh, we just introduced something called the secondary click. It’s the best thing since slice bread and exposes a lot of context actions on the item beneath your pointer. No, it’s not right click. Never call it that.”

Even more years later
“Say hello to 3D touch. You just have to push harder than normal to use it. And sorry, there’s no way to know if the item you want has 3D touch options. You’ll have to push to find out. We think it’s a fun game, hence the fun name.”

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Reminds me of the early days of BB torch when u actually have to almost break your screen in the name of touch.

Lol the touch on that phone was a nightmare!:joy: