I can see that the use cases for your services is quite straight forward. While I don’t know what killed rupt.co as their site is no more active, in your case, I think you got something great going for you. Keep it up, fellas.
Indeed rupt.co domain is no longer active. A deliberate action we took since there is a significant change in the core idea that has nothing to do with airtime.
Yeah, I have a thing for names. You should hear the names of the other sub-systems we are building. However, if you read the spec, you would understand that Stone isn’t just a name but a cryptography object and an important bit of the our work.
@spokentwice I read your article a while back and it was a real good read. And your statement that “[Paysob] wants to accept micropayment that are pointless asking people to pay to the bank” is really on point. Thanks again for the mention.
I was discussing Paysob with the founder of Mobile Money Africa because he read the post too. He is one of the rock stars behind money money adoption in Nigeria since he was singularly responsible for getting the licence for 50% of the mobile money players in Nigeria, including KongaPay (i.e Zinternet) and several banks.
He thinks you have a great product too. Maybe you are closer to a $100m acquisition than you know.
Honest question - How long do you think it will take Paysob to amass a reasonable enough traction to attract a fraction of the valuation oga @spokentwice talked about?
Bearing in mind that the tech and legwork required is simple enough for 10s of Paysob clones to spring up within that period.
That’s a rather lopsided way to look at it. The alarming number of users made the tech that valuable, plus it had already over 5 years to be improved, made resilient, and proven in production.
By the end of this month, we should have something to put in front of you guys, like a public beta. We’re really excited to show you what we’ve been working on and we’re looking forward to your feedback and suggestions. Hope we don’t disappoint.
Very nice concept. Been looking for a solution like this after seeing Okadabooks.
I have an app where people can upgrade using Credit Card. It once accepted recharge cards but I had to stop it. ALOT of people seemed to prefer the recharge card method