Accept Payments by Recharge Cards with Paysob

@87_chuks at the moment, payments can only be made via MTN recharge cards (i.e. typing in the unused PIN). I know using active topup will be really cool but we’ve not started in that direction yet.

@somtoifezue I can’t give details about the number of people buying recharge cards online/offline because I don’t know. What I do know is trying to bill people without bank cards.

While running Netsob (a paid subscription service), one of the major problems we had was billing. We had to bill undergrads and university aspirants in Nigeria, most of whom didn’t have bank cards. So we were billing them via a short code (which was the best available way to bill people without bank cards in Nigeria). However, with only a 12% payout on some networks and a 6-month wait on payouts and a terrible service: the frustration led us to build our own payment platform.

So yeah, I think a lot of businesses who have tried to bill users without bank cards in Nigeria will see this service as a step in the right direction. Businesses into app development, businesses running subscription service, businesses selling e-materials and many others who are simply trying to bill people without bank cards in NIgeria will really prefer this service to the other options available.

@ncodes We don’t have any partnership with telcos. I can’t really say how we handle the pin verification (company secret and all) but I’ll say this: the design is just like having a human component but we automated the process. That should point you in the right direction. And yes we resell the recharge cards in bulk to distributors at about 20-25% off.