Ok this was designed with me being sleep deprived, one billion things are wrong with the layout, Its av above the fold landing page for simple pay (simplepay.ng) the current one they have is too dark, this goes in line with giving this the Nigerian context
Thanks for all the comments on the other topics, i do appreciate i shall duly reply everyone
No. The only similarities it shares with paystack are the use of gradients (which any one can use) and concentric circles (which again, anyone can use)
Other than that, It’s largely different from PS.
@SignorChuksy Not the best, visually. The Colours do need tuning and fixing. But good on you for pushing bruh
I love, love the return of the gradient trend. Not the puke-inducing 3D kind, the FLAT kind.
It’s the buttons that’s freaking people out. Purple is already a strong colour. Add too many contrasting elements, it starts looking like a freak show…
If you people really want to see 2016 gradients gone wrong, start here.